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Shannon’s Pre-Listing Checklist

It is that time of year now when sellers are starting to prepare their homes for selling.  Want to know key tips to prepare?

Most sellers want to take the time to prepare their home to sell so they can get the most for their home and appeal to as many buyers as possible.  In order to do that, there are several things you should be doing to prepare your home.  PLUS, I have a detailed, FREE pre-listing check list that I will make available to you.

To prepare, first you need to step back and think like a buyer visiting your property for the very first time.  Go out to the curb of your property and see what are buyers going to see when they first pull up?  Does it look maintained and orderly?  If not, that is the first place to start.  Good curb appeal is very important as a buyer drives by to see if they even want to see the inside.  And it is the very first photo a buyer sees when it hits the market.  If the outside looks rough, it is likely the buyer will not want to take the next step and investigate it further.  Demonstrate from the outside first that your home has been well maintained by trimming the hedges or replacing them if overgrown with smaller ones.  Freshen your flower beds with fresh mulch or straw.  And, of course, be sure all the weeds are gone.  Cut, edge, and blow your yard so everything is in tip-top shape.  

Next, walk from the curb to your front door just as a buyer will and inspect the driveway…does it need cleaning or repaired?  Is the walkway to the front door in good shape? And as you walk up the to the front door, does that need a good cleaning, or a fresh coat of paint, or replaced to look nice?  Check the door knob…is it rusted or have paint peeling? Do the light fixtures look good?  You might need a fresh pot of flowers for the front porch or new pillows for your rocking chairs. All of these details matter!

When you go inside, you are going to apply the same principle to each and every room.  Address one room at a time so you feel you can get your arms around preparing.  I always say best to have as much of the floor, walls, and countertops showing as possible, so remove any throw rugs, excess pictures, and clutter from counter tops.  

It is never too early to start preparing your home.  I had a client once who had been preparing their home to sell for a full year! And their house flew off the market so quickly at top dollar and they felt it really paid off!

I hope this link will be helpful for you!  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.  And remember my team and I are on standby 7 days a week ready to help you take the smoother road to sold.

To get my detailed checklist about the exact items you should be doing to prepare, click on the link below.

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