Do you want to make decluttering your New Year’s resolution?
Decluttering can be an overwhelming task to take on, but it can also be very rewarding if you have a plan in place that can be executed.
To start, I recommend walking through your home with pen and paper, and making a list of all the areas you need to declutter and the time you think it will take for each area. Be sure to include bedrooms, closets, drawers, and garage.
Second, make a list of anything you think you might need in order to declutter or get organized, such as: plastic storage totes with lids, bags, baskets, or drawer dividers.
As you complete an item on your list, even the small ones like straightening out a knife drawer, cross it off your list. Being able to check off a task, even a small one, is important and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
When going through each project, it might be helpful to keep in mind the 5 year decluttering rule: If you haven’t used it in the last 5 years, you probably don’t need to keep it any longer. This rule is especially relevant to clothing.
Also keep in mind the golden rule of decluttering: If it doesn’t bring a spark of joy to you when you see it, get rid of it.
And whatever you do, DON’T GET DISCOURAGED! Know that decluttering is worth the effort. Remember: Living in an uncluttered, well-organized home is energizing and reduces stress, in addition to saving time on a daily basis. To me, that sounds pretty darn appealing as we head into a new year!
If you are thinking of selling and wondering how much you need to declutter to prepare to sell, give us a call. We would be happy to assist you and help you take the smoother road to sold.